“… may fire light your spirit like a flash from above
And may fire move your body to protect what you love”
Dear Friends,
After over a year of writing, rehearsing, planning, studio time, art and graphics work….the new recording, Emergence, is about to emerge!
These songs chronicle the personal journey that we’ve been on these last few years - experiences of joy and longing in our personal lives, concern over the fate of our children and our planet, worries about aging, struggles with the problem of homelessness and communities in upheaval, excitement over the growing power of the union movement, and of course, survival in spite of the numbing pandemic.
These last few years have been quite a time I think we can all agree, and hopefully this album will be for you, as it has been for me, a musical journey through the heart of it all.
Emergence contains twenty-two songs, including two previously recorded but which - I believe - are particularly relevant to these times. I’m really pleased with the way this body of songs has grown with the input of this amazing group of musicians - Julian Smedley; Cabin Fever NW (Dianne Bochsler and Tara Caldwell); Louis Ledford; Cary Black; Bob Paltrow; Jeff Willson; Laura Smith; Geof Morgan; Rebel Voices (Janet Stecher and Susan Lewis); Robert Blake; Devin Champlin; Tracy Spring; Karen Reitz; and Jen and Kristin Allen-Zito.
And with the marvelous support I have received from all of you, much of the cost of this work has been met. For the love, trust, and generosity you have shown to me throughout - thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so grateful!
I’m also so very grateful to Phil Heaven, my patient engineer, to Bob Paltrow, my graphic designer, and to Su Skjersaa, my dear friend and the artist who created the background art for the cover. And gratitude always to my beloved Scott Slaba who has supported and loved me for all these many years!
So with the recording master about to be sent off to the duplication service, and hopefully the finished CD in my hands near the beginning of the new year, I am excited and relieved. Initially, there will be physical CDs only. Since I’m “old school”, my preference is, of course, for the physical product you can hold in your hand. I know that many people don’t even have CD players in their cars any more, but bear with me here - CDs give me a chance to better show Emergence off to you complete in its cover, with graphic work in full display along with the album notes - all in one “package.” That being said, it will also be available as an online download soon after the new year. I will let you know when that happens.
Thanks to you all once again! May this season bring you light and hope through the darkest days –